Render Next/Previous Posts
The method renderNextPrevPosts() is a small utility method that renders navigation links that help navigate to the next and previous Blog Posts. if there is no next or previous Post, nothing is output respectively.
<?php /** * Render previous and next posts links. * * As seen on the frontend page: /blog/post/ = where 'post' = name of the post * * @access public * @param Page $page * @return string $out * */ public function renderNextPrevPosts($page)
The method accepts one argument, $page, which has to be a ProcessWire Page. In the demo template files that ships with Blog, the method can be seen in action in 'blog-post.php', i.e. when viewing an individual Post page. The code below shows how to use the method.
<?php //first we call MarkupBlog $blog = $modules->get('MarkupBlog'); //render next/previous links echo $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page);
As shown in the HTML output below, the next/previous links will be the respective Posts' titles.
renderNextPrevPosts() HTML output
<div class="next-prev-posts"> <p class="prev-post"><span><</span><a href="/pwtests/blog/posts/imagine/">Imagine</a></p> <p class="next-post"><a href="/pwtests/blog/posts/another-place/">Another Place</a><span>></span></p> </div>
renderNextPrevPosts() CSS
The CSS classes from the rendered markup is shown below. {} p.prev-post {} {}
We have looked at renderNextPrevPosts($page), a utility method that is useful on individual Blog Post pages. It outputs a link to the next and previous Posts as applicable, hence facilitating navigation of your Blog's Posts.